Congregational Workshop
As you may already know, New Hope has engaged the services of an architect at Elevate Studio to
consider options for expanding our facility.
Now, we are asking you to participate in the process of thinking about and envisioning what this
expansion could look like.
Elevate Studio is coming here on the morning of June 3 to offer all of us a chance to get involved in
a fun and effective way.
The architects at Elevate have developed tried and true techniques for
hands-on interaction with congregations to draw out the values we share and to brainstorm ideas
for expressing those values in the building they will design.
We’d love it if you could be a part of that “dreaming together” morning. Here is the information
you need for this Congregation Workshop:
Date: Saturday, June 3
Time: 8:30 to Noon
What: Light breakfast, followed by an interactive meeting
Who: Members and regular attendees of New Hope
Ages: Fifth grade and up will meet with the main group in the sanctuary.
Care for younger children will be offered in KidZone.
Please sign up HERE!