Adoption/Foster/Orphan Information & Support Night

Goal: To understand the needs of those who have traveled or plan to travel the adoption/foster care path.


Why: Because “the church absolutely must be leading the way in orphan care. It’s not negotiable; it flows from the reality of the gospel.” David Platt 


Who: Anyone who has been adopted or been in the foster care system, has adopted or fostered, is considering adoption/foster care or wants to travel alongside and support those in these processes. 


What: Free dinner and a meeting with like minded believers with a focused discussion on how New Hope can best support the adoption/foster care journey.


Where: New Hope CC, KidZone room. 


When: Thursday, 12-2-21 from 6:00-7:30pm. Childcare provided


Dec 02 2021


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


New Hope Community Church
6175 Northland Dr, NE Rockford, Michigan 49341